Affordable Plans for All

Simple and upfront pricing. Upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime.

Pay Yearly Save 25%

free trial

Not ready for a subscription yet? Start a free trial with access to all premium voices and features.

  • 1 Week free
  • 600 free word credit
  • Try all premium voices
  • Try all premium features
  • Try audio previews
  • 3 Free downloads


USD $14.25 / month

billed annually, you will pay USD $171 today.

  • 240,000 Words
  • Standard voices
  • Unlimited audio
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Premium voices
  • Commercial rights
Most Popular


USD $29.25 / month

billed annually, you will pay USD $351 today.

  • 600,000 Words
  • Premium voices
  • Commercial rights
  • Audio widgets
  • Unlimited audio previews
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Pronunciations library
  • Podcast hosting


USD $74.25 / month

billed annually, you will pay USD $891 today.

  • 2,400,000 Words
  • Premium voices
  • Commercial rights
  • Unlimited audio previews
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Pronunciations library
  • Podcast hosting
  • White-labelled audio widgets
  • Team access coming soon
  • Automated audio creation


USD $149.25 / month

billed annually, you will pay USD $1791 today.

  • 6,000,000 Words
  • Premium voices
  • Commercial rights
  • Unlimited audio previews
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Pronunciations library
  • Podcast hosting
  • White-labelled audio widgets
  • Team access coming soon
  • Automated audio creation
  • Bulk creation
  • Multiple teams/websites
  • Multiple podcasts
  • Agency license
  • Priority tech support

Looking for custom Enterprise Plans? Let us know about your requirements - Contact Us

Discounts available for qualified individuals and companies

Discounts available for qualified individuals and companies offers a special 20% discount across all its subscription plans to students, educators and non-profits.

See how to apply

Features Breakdown

A detailed breakdown of what each plan offers

Personal PlanProfessional PlanGrowth PlanBusiness Plan
Standard voices Non-robotic voices powered by computer-generated algorithms.
Premium Voices Human-like neural voices powered by machine learning.
Commercial Rights Use the generated audio for monetization of YouTube videos and other commercial purposes.
Audio Widgets Embed text to speech widgets in your articles & blog posts.
Podcast Hosting Get RSS Feed and publish on iTunes, Spotify, etc.
Pronunciations Library Gives you fine control over how words are pronunced.
Automated audio creation A code snippet that automatically creates audio every time you publish a new article or blog post.
Team access coming soonShare and collaborate on projects with your team members.
White-labelled Audio Widgets Removes the branding from the audio widgets.
Bulk Audio Creation We’ll help you programmatically transcribe large volumes of content into audio.
Multiple Teams / Websites Use the audio widgets across multiple websites with unique branding & customizations.
Agency License Add your own name to the audio widgets and sell to your clients, ideal for agencies.
Multiple Podcasts Create and manage multiple podcast accounts.
Priority Technical Support Faster response time and priority support for technical or compatibility issues.

5 Reasons to Choose

Here’s why can be the best text-to-speech tool for your needs...

Driven by feedback

We’re laser focused on your needs and are entirely driven by user feedback. Check out our public roadmap here.

We share and work openly

We have a culture where we share everything before releasing it in our private facebook community group.

Recognized by some of the best

We’ve been recognized by some the best tech communities and featured on on the most trusted sources on the internet such as the Harvard University and Product Hunt to name a few.

Free previews that don’t use your word credit

With, you can listen to your text without using up your word credit as many times as you want, no limits. The only platform to do so.

1000’s of integrations coming soon

With our Zapier integration coming soon, you can integrate across 1000s of applications.


DecathlonUnited NationsAOLComcastVerizonVirgin

Frequently Asked Questions

Words get deducted when you “Listen to Full Text”, "Convert" or "Re-convert" text to audio.

The reason “Listen to Full Text” and "Re-convert" also deduct words is because the text technically needs to be re-converted to audio in the back end in order to generate the audio.

Ideally, if you think you would need more than 500,000 words per month, we advise you to contact us and we’ll come up with a personalized plan just for you.

If however, you do run out of words at any point, you can simply contact us via live chat or email and we’ll quickly help you top up more words as a one-off purchase.

No, your words don’t rollover.

If you’re on a monthly plan, your words will reset every month. And if you’re on a yearly plan, your words will reset every year.

    Monthly Plans:
  • You pay once a month.
  • Your words reset every month (on the subscription renewal date).
    Yearly Plans:
  • You pay once a year, and save 25%.
  • Your words reset every year.
  • You get all the words for the full year upfront.

Yes. Your security and privacy are our utmost priority. We use Stripe for secure and encrypted payment systems to ensure that you can focus on the important stuff, creating realistic voiceovers.

Currently, we only accept purchases on the yearly plans with PayPal.

To make a purchase using PayPal, please get in touch with us.

Payments already made against one-time packs or subscriptions would not be eligible for a refund. If you have just made a purchase but facing a technical issue, please get in touch with us.

Yes, we offer a 20% discount to students, educators and non-profits. Get in touch with us to see if you qualify.

Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription anytime.

Just let us know and we’ll help you out.

When you unsubscribe, you will still be able to create audio and access all the premium features till the end of your subscription.

Once your subscription has ended, you will lose access to premium features, projects, downloads and the audio widgets that you may have on your website or blog.